Office Policies & Information

Office Hours

7:30 am- 4:45 pm Monday through Friday
8 am-12 pm Saturday

Call (859) 441-7600 for an appointment

We will be able to see acute (recent onset) sick visits on the same day that you call. Complex or chronic problems, behavioral problems, well checks, and sports physicals often need a longer appointment and therefore should be scheduled in advance.

No SHOW/Less Than 24 Hour Cancellation

If you NO SHOW for an appointment or do not provide 24 hours of notice to cancel an appointment, on the 1st instance you will be sent a warning letter. On the 2nd instance you will be chaged $25.00 and sent a letter. If there is a 3rd isntance you will be referred out of our practice.

Phone Calls for Medical Questions

From 7:30am-4:45 pm call our office at (859) 441-7600 and give the receptionist your child’s name, date of birth, phone number, and a brief description of your concerns and a nurse will call you back. Our nurses speak with the providers if they are unsure of how to handle any situation. Also please see Emergencies link.

Prescription Refills

Call our office (859) 441-7600 Monday through Friday 8 AM to 4:45 pm or have your pharmacy call or fax us a refill form.  Refills may take up to 48 hours to complete.

For ADHD stimulant medications or other controlled substances, give the front desk your child’s name, date of birth, phone number, and medication type and dosage.  We ask that you allow 4 business days for scripts to be ready.

Over 21

Once a patient reaches the age of 21 they will need to transfer to an adult PCP.

Well Checks

If you are here for a Well Check and there is another medical issue discussed at the Well Check, we will bill for both a Well Check and a Sick Visit and therefore a copay or deductibe may apply.