Well Child Visits (Checkups) & Vaccines
Our providers practice the highest standard of evidence-based care. For this reason, we follow all Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations for vaccinations and preventative health care. We FIRMLY believe all children should be vaccinated according to the CDC & AAP recommendations.
The best way to keep your child’s health on track is to follow the recommended schedule for Well Child Visits. Even if your child is healthy and is not currently due for vaccinations, he/she still needs a Well Child Visit to complete any necessary screenings and ensure he/she is growing and developing properly!
Our current schedule for vaccines, screenings, and tests is listed below:

*fluoride varnish will be applied every 6 months after teeth have erupted until dental home is established
**vision screening will be completed yearly unless established with optometry
***Gardasil is a 2-dose series (minimum interval 5 months) if started before age 15; if started after age 15 it becomes a 3-dose series